I’m ba-ak

So the last time I posted what in July and man have things changed.

For starters I got a job! Oct 4th was my 1st day on the job. It took a few weeks before I no longer wanted to blow everything and everyone up that ever had anything shipped to them or that lived on a dirt road. Dont worry Lossings my love for you stayed true. 🙂 I work at GSO “the best overnight package delivery company in the west” (its what our claim is call 8003225555 and hear for yourself lol) the hours are pretty short and the pay is good I just hate being a working mom. I love my job its fasted paced, always changing, and a lot like race whats the fastest and most efficient way to get this done and I don’t a boss breathing down my neck I use my own car and when I’m done I just head home its great. But I HATE not being with my kids. I’m not the mom who needs to have a job to get a break from kids. Do I need breaks? YES!! but not a 20 hr a week break that gets me up at 6 am.  I hate not being with them when they 1st wake up when they are sweet calm and cuddly. lol I dont know how career moms do it the long hours at work, the school/practice pick ups and drop offs, the school projects, family fun activities, house work and cooking. I just dont have it in me.

second I cant remember if I blogged about this before but Daniel got laid off in about may-ish (idk anything anymore my brain is goo) anywhoo daniel now also works for GSO doing a pm pick up route so I get home anywhere from 1pm -230pm and he leave at 230pm-3pm and gets home around 8pm. when of course we are all getting ready for bed. not much FAMILY time anymore. This is also something I dont know people do. I know of tons of people who have the alternating parenting/employee schedule as their spouse and its horrible in my opinion. Daniel works Mon-Fri and I work Tue-Sat we have 1 day together that doesnt involve one of us heading to work. Also we only have one vehicle now. When daniel got laid off we had to have my brother in law take over the payments on daniels truck. hopefully we will get a little beater when we get our tax refund. fingers crossed its not too much of a beater and is actually helpful. 🙂

In sept our roommates moved to Oregon when he got a job up there after a long and hard search in cali with no luck.  Our lease is up in March and unless we get better paying jobs we will be moving. I dreed moving and lord help me if the kids beds give me any trouble I’m burning them and the kids can just sleep with us!

which brings me to my next point (no I’m not pregnant thank God) Daniel worked on a damage for HCI right before Christmas it was as he was hired by some other company tella something cuase if he was to work for HCI again it would take 6 weeks for paperwork and all that good stuff and they needed him just 2 hours so he “got a job” with tella something and off he went 24 hours of work and done. 😦 but it was SOO helpful! we are hoping for more work to come in like this or to get rehired with HCI or EVEN BETTER get the ATT job he applied for on friday. Hes applied with them before and never got further then the “thanks for contacting us we’ll keep your resume on file” point but he got one step further this time and we are waiting to hear back. I think he should call or contact them in a few days just to keep himself at the top of the “list” so to say.  If he did get the job with ATT it would just be temporary like 4-6 months but it would be$36 an hour which is almost twice what he made with HCI (i know taboo to talk about how much you make but poo on taboo I’m excited!) And hey you never know sometimes temp becomes perm so lots of praying going on over here.

If/when we move we will be staying in or near elsinore. we like it out here and its not really added much travel time to our normal everyday fun and stuff with our peeps in riverside. UNLESS of course its during rush hour then we are SCREWED but luckily most things dont happen around then so we are good. lol

Christmas was so much fun this year nothing too big or wild and crazy but just plan fun and heart warming. like I said before daniel was working right before christmas he worked christmas eves eve and christmas eve but they were from 6pm to 6am so he made it home just before the kids woke up and we had a WONDERFUL family christmas in our own place for the 1st time it was AWESOME! the kids were so grateful and joyful. we had to remind the kids a few times that they needed to open more presents. I’m sure this will change as the kids get older but I really enjoyed it. side note my desire for next yr is to do that 3 gifts thing its 1 gift they want 1 thing they need and 1 thing for them to share. and thats it. I will not accept anything else. LOL we just have so much stuff and I’m almost a hoarder so I have a hard time getting rid of things cause “hey look they still play with it” and also why spoil them take the money you have spent on them and put it in your savings account lord knows this countries going down the toilet.  but seriously if I could get the extended family to obey this life would be golden. Trin kept saying “its gonna snow then its gonna be christmas” we had to keep reminding her we dont get snow in SoCal but we’ve been having surprisingly cold weather so secretly we were praying it would snow on christmas even if it didnt stay as long as it feel from the sky but allas it didnt. 😦

It was fun having the kids birthdays in our own home this yr made things so much easier.

I got a new phone cause the tmobile guy sucks and didnt try to get my “broken” working again. after buying a new phone outright (nice commision for mr tmobile) daniel did a quick hard restart and got it working again. LAME SAUCE!

ok I’m just rambling the kids are up from their naps now so my attention is elsewhere.

Published by Bethany

dont blog as much as I use to but I'm on facebook like you would not believe. I am the wife of Daniel Vizthum whom I've known since I was about 4 and mother of 4

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