this sucks

So daniel called me today when he was on his way home that he droped his phone in some water and it’s broken. SUCKS cause we are waiting till February when our contract ends with tmobile so we can go with Helio. so I say well that sucks I’ll see you in a little bit. …

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heres the low down at 28 weeks

So as you read yesterday (or right after you read this 🙂 ) I have gestational diabetes and these are the reasons for me not being ok with it. As if Micah does not have enough stuff stacked against him already. And the fact that I will probably have type 2 diabetes in the next …

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things I pondered…

while at Kaiser for 3 hours doing my 3 hour glucose test. Which by the way I would not have had to take if I had only got 130 not 131. that dang freakin point!! * why does Amy Whinehouse have a statue at the wax museum *what point was that guy trying to make …

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So now I know

…why I’ve been so dang tired lately!! not just “it’s summer…I’m over weight….or it’s cause you’re pregnant” It’s cause I’m anemic and apperantly have gestational diabieties. I went in on thursday and had some blood work done and when I checked the lab results on the website it told the sad truth; that I …

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Hands-Free: what to do with your hands now

I think this law is a total joke and this video points out why. There are still things we will and do do on a daily basis with our hands/minds while we’re driving. The problem is not the holding the phone it’s where your brain is while you’re talkin on the phone and unless your …

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Vacation never again

I am very sad that all these airlines are going out of business or getting ready to go out of business. Tickets have gone sky high and I can not believe also that AA is no longer allowing free checked luggage. WTF? you really want us carrying all that on board with us. I think …

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get out of my head

So I don’t really have a desire to own a house. Especially a house in Cali but when my mom (real estate agent) calls me today and says “hey theres a house down the street for sale at 180 you guys could totally buy it! wanna go look at it?” My brain starts churning and …

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